
Why 2 IN THE CHEST was formed and what they are doing.

This band was formed to give total entertainment not just great music, but an entire performance for you to remember your entire life. And most importantly spread autism awareness and the rising issue of homeless Veterans Nationwide.

2 IN THE CHEST was born out of the need to spreading awareness on the epidemic of homelessness when it comes to veterans, as well as funding to build a self-sustainable community for them. Not only to give them a place to call home, but to have the resources needed to bring their physical health and; mental health back to a productive level so they can have a chance at some kind of normalcy.

The first TAT Tour Team band
This team consists of 5 members of 2 IN THE CHEST Rich Lead Vocals Rhythm Guitar AKA Reverend Black Jack McBride, Rachel Drummer AKA Velvet De Blonko, Lindley Lead Guitar AKA Jameson Jack Coburn, Will Hall AKA Brewster Scolfield Hutchinson Bass, Percussion and drums 10 year old Sammy AKA Mary Ella O Sullivan other 2 IN THE CHEST members are  Rhonda Dickison AKA Bibe Boanne Darby and last but definitely not least The seamstress and merch person Tonja AKA Noel O'Shaughnessy

 We are collecting donation to buy a used low mileage school bus so that we can get back out on tour and start raising money for THE AWARENESS TOURS Housing Homeless Veterans Through Entertainment. Thank you and never forget the catch phrase. “PEACE LOVE & 2 IN THE CHEST”

Our Veterans live with a great deal of physiological and psychological issues that make it hard to do anything in society, We are here to ease that pain, and give the Veterans that truly want a second chance at making things better an opportunity to do so.

The Awareness Tours does just that, it tours the US performing concerts while bringing awareness to the growing issue of homelessness that plagues our nation. The donations that are received would go to the buying of land, the building of the self- sustainable communities as well as the maintaining of these communities.

There are many foundations out there that cater to the homeless as well as to the homeless veteran. All those places are good places, but the key things to those places are, Temporary housing temporary medical and temporary food. All these things are only “Band-Aids” They do great things by feeding them putting them up in temporary sleeping quarters. For one, they are overcrowded temporary sleeping facilities, overcrowded medical clinics and the food is minimal at best. All these places are great for one thing… putting a “Band-Aid” on something that needs major surgery.

THE AWARENESS TOURS is building Self- Sustainable communities to give homeless veterans and homeless people in general a semi-permanent place of their own to call home with an address. They are given continued physiological and psychological care as well healthy nutrition. Stopping chronic homelessness requires these three attributes and this is what we are touring for.

There are hundreds of places to donate to that do great work, but THE AWARENESS TOURS is doing way more than putting a Band-Aid on a gaping wound, we are working towards alleviating the problem all together. With your donation all these things become possible. Will you walk with us on this journey to fixing our broken system? What will it take to open your heart and help these brothers and sisters of ours?

This is by for no easy task but THE AWARENESS TOURS is up to the task. Will you stand with us?

Remember Band-Aids are temporary. It does not fix the problem Self-Sustainable communities such as the ones that we are working towards fix the deep wound that the US is experiencing. Please give to THE AWARENESS TOURS thank you.


You can make a difference

First and foremost you have to have a heart and the drive to truly help people. With all the homeless people in this country, if we as brothers and sisters, as a loving people do not help them, no one will.

The first thing that needs to be done is money. We all know this is in short supply with so many people. Just remember this; you have a home, a car, and a job. Sparing a few dollars in a onetime donation or even a monthly contribution can help more than you can even imagine.

Homelessness is a huge epidemic and needs to be dealt with and if everyone sits around and talks about, it will never get fixed. The awareness tours are doing something about it and we are starting with the veterans. With your help we can take the first 30 off the street in the first phase. In the first community we will be able to house and care for over 104 veterans. We know that people truly have the heart to help but they just do not know how to do it. Volunteer donate those are things you can do.  And BOOK this tour in your city. All we ask is for a small guarantee.  


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